The art of Roldan Lauzán can be understood as a dialogue established between antagonists; dialogue that the artist represents through a manipulation or subversion of images coming from religious, spiritual and occultist symbolisms and iconographies.
His main interest is to invite the viewer to consider and contemplate the idea of the duality of being. It aims to invite us to reflect on how divine wills would work in the mundane and earthly plane that surrounds us, and at the same time, he wants us to notice the human creative act that exists in everything we can imagine and experience as divine. It seeks to fuse in the same character the two opposite extremes that we all carry inside.
His characters, always feminine, are loaded with feelings such as humility and arrogance, good and evil, indulgence and malevolence, among many others. An endless list of passions that coexist in imperfect harmony in the depths of each of us.